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inDigo Shop

About us


inDigo S.u.r.l. was born in 2006, with the spirit of starting a project capable of organizing the best collections of clothing, footwear and accessories for men, women and children in different concept stores. In 2012 the site dedicated to online shopping starts and takes off immediately with great success with a project capable of achieving extraordinary results in a few months.

Located in Martina Franca, in Puglia, in the splendid Valle D'Itria, today inDigo s.u.r.l. represents an important point of reference with its 5 established sales points: WEB Masculine Store, pure Glam, TNT Jeanswer Research, TNT Junior, Code W.T.G OUTLET

Even the official Digital Shop of the points of sale, which at first established itself nationally, is now one of the most followed ecommerce sites in the FASHION sector at European level.


inDigo srl, which has always been oriented towards using cutting-edge technologies applied to the fashion commercial sector, now has the most modern business techniques. The company is now fully computerized using the best hardware and software resources, often custom designed, with the aim of being able to continuously undertake all the new evolutionary paths suitable for the fashion business sector.

A great strength of the company is above all the experience and professionalism gained in decades of activity by the founders, who with determination and passion have managed over the years to consolidate and affirm their initial project internationally. The two founding members, in addition to representing the true point of union with the largest international brands, are still the only direct buyers of all the collections, this condition guarantees during the seasons always a reliable but at the same time innovative selection of all the collections. collections marketed by inDigo.

inDigo srl also makes use of a team of excellent collaborators, divided between the various company departments: sales, logistics, customere service, administration, e-commerce and marketing. One of the objectives of the company is always to train the staff in the best possible way, preparing them in the best possible way on the tasks to which they must carry out. Precisely for this reason the inDigo Academy was born, a real training school that caters to the new generations ready to face the world of work linked to the fashion sector in the commercial field with passion and determination.